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Freshwater Stingray

Duluth, MN; May 8, 2012:  It had been nearly nine years since I'd visited the Great Lakes Aquarium in Duluth, and it had changed a little bit in that time. While there was still the fantastic, enormous aquarium with all of the sturgeon and lake trout, they also had some animals from outside the Great Lakes region. This is a freshwater stingray from the Amazon. He was in a "petting pool" and seemed pretty friendly, to the point of wanting to crawl out of the pool when I came by.

Cable 2012

Cap Creek Landing
Telemark in the Spring
American Century
Aerial Lift Bridge
Freshwater Stingray
Bald Eagle
Forest Lodge Bog
Freshwater Fishing
Rock Lake
Beaver Lodge

Laws are for people who don't know any better.

© 1996-2012 David Zavadsky