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MECCA Trails

Mercer, Wisconsin; July 10, 2013:  With the downpourts of July 9 done, it was time to try for a hike on the MECCA trails near Mercer. Usually a cross-country skiing destination, the trails are somewhat open in the summer for hiking, though as I discovered there are a few trails, like the Moose Trail, that go through swampy ground. I spent a lot of time backtracking on this particular hiking adventure, but the area was really quite scenic and I could see why it would be a popular destination for cross-country skiing.

Mercer 2013

Shay's Dam
Deadhorse Trail
Trude Lake
Higher Ground
Upson Falls
MECCA Trails
Beaver Dam
Fisher Lake Boating

Laws are for people who don't know any better.

© 1996-2012 David Zavadsky