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Julian Bay Trail

July 27, 2007; Stockton Island: I took a boat trip to Stockton Island on this beautiful Friday afternoon, and shortly after arrival joined a park ranger named Candy for a guided walk down the Julian Bay Trail, which focused on the various plant communities on the island. This is a view of the wetlands in the tombolo, which is a very large sand dune that connects the main part of Stockton Island with Presque Isle, the "almost island" where our boat docked.

Bayfield 2007

Central Waters
Basswood from Bayfield
Raspberry Island
York Island
Sandspit Trail
Calm Waters
Raspberry Island Beach
New Light
Visiting the Island
Iron Bridge
Local Ravine
Sea Caves
Sandstone Layers
In the Shade
Red Granite Falls
Doughboy Trail
Brownstone Falls
North Country
Julian Bay Trail
Lagoon Outlet
Slow Stream
Presque Isle Docks
Crack from Above
Sea Caves and Eagle Island
Eroded Sandstone
Rocky Beach

This site was originally designed in 1996 using Adobe PageMill. The current incarnation is a back-to-basics type of site, making extensive use of server-side includes to create page geometries and interactive elements.

© 1996-2012 David Zavadsky